Sunday, April 15, 2018

L - Less Is More

... of everything, really. Keeping it simple rounds up to big! That's a mathematical oddity but who cares about math, and its other strings attached? I mean, I knew I wasn't going to care when I scored a 6 on 25 on my first ever Algebra test in 6th grade. Okay, I was worried sick but still...
Less is more is my lesson learned all through last year. I am using a minimalist approach to my artistic expressionism and also my lifestyle! Why? Because I feel my processing capacity is diminishing with time. It is deterring partly because I am always under panic and pressure! 💣 Work's growing, social media are booming like mad, and social complications know no end! I do not think ALL of that is for me to handle. 
Most of art should be kept personal and all meanings should not be given away. Small, meaningful posts with animated gifs and comics and graphics is more appealing than paras upon paras of writing.
Talking less and keeping details to myself is also a very wise thing to do - conveys more! Nobody listens sincerely anyways. 
Keeping a few numbered good friends is better than huge groups and battalions of social butterflies because they simply add to the disturbia! 
And ... I shall leave you here.  

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